
With Aileen Whiteford and Anna Bambridge

The Fundamental Principles of Bates Method

An unmissable workshop with two great trainers

2023 October 7th - Time 10-12,30 + 14,30-17

The Workshop

Morning 10.00-12.30

The Fundamental Principles with Aileen Whiteford

In this session Aileen will be reviewing, exploring and revisiting the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES that largely inform our practices as BATES, NATURAL EYESIGHT TEACHERS, namely ‘THE BATES METHOD’ as developed by Dr William H Bates and documented in his book ‘The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses’, first published in 1920 and re published in the year “2020” an auspicious date, “20:20”! I believe that it is essential for all of us as teachers, students and becoming teachers to constantly revise and review the fundamental principles that necessarily inform how we practice. For me every lesson I give I also get a lesson that supports me to review and develop my skills as a Natural Eyesight Teacher, with the “Bates Method”.

Again in the morning...

Central Fixation with Anna Bambridge

Central fixation is how we see well naturally. Using the Bates Method is usually a process of encouraging central fixation. There is one very small point in the centre of the visual field which is seen most clearly. It is constantly moving so that the movement is usually imperceptible. The point with the highest concentration of cone cells in the retina which can collect most information is moved when the eye is moved by large eye, head and body movements and most importantly for clarity with the smaller involuntary eye movements. Central fixation works with constant stimulation of the retina with a good relationship between central and peripheral vision. In this session we will discuss what central fixation is and explore practical ways to encourage it.

Afternoon 14.30 - 17.00

Movement in Context with Anna

Expanding on the fundamental principles and central fixation we will explore movement in more detail specifically in reference to the other senses. Our eyes are near the top of our head when we are upright. Ears, nose and mouth sit lower down and our sight is interconnected with and rests on the development of these other senses. In this experiential session there will be the invitation to "come to our senses."

Again in the afternoon

Mind and Vision with Aileen

The topic this afternoon is how the mind impacts eyesight. There is more to seeing than meets the eye. My hypothesis, “closed mind equals impaired eyesight?” Dr Bates states “we see largely with the mind and only partly with the eyes. Defective vision is the result of an abnormal condition of the mind” Eyesight and the Mind. Seeing naturally can open doors to deeply held emotional blocks. This afternoon I will be exploring with my thoughts and ideas about a dual approach to understanding impaired vision. I use the expression ‘From Eyesight to Insight’ but for me it is ‘Insight to Eyesight’, identifying the missing links, learning about an understanding of the mental and emotional side of seeing. I am excited to have the opportunity to share this with you

How to sign up

Cost: The entire workshop costs €.130.00 inclusive of VAT and written materials related to the topic that will be sent in advance to each registrant. Registration only costs €.60.00. Workshop + registration cost €.150,00.

OrganizationIt is possible to attend the workshop online (in English) on our platform Google Meet (we'll send the link to participants).

For more information and to register, send an email to You will receive specific directions.

We look forward to this fantastic opportunity :-) 

Aileen Whiteford

I am a natural sight teacher, psychotherapist and counselor.

In my work with vision I use the method introduced by Dr. W H Bates and have been practicing it for over 25 years. During this time I have established several successful practices in Edinburgh, East Lothian and, for a time, in London and Aberdeen.

In my private practice I teach the Bates Method offering both individual sessions and, if necessary, short intensive courses.

I also offer workshops for natural vision improvement, an easy introduction to the work.

I work with adults and children, regardless of the visual problem.

Anna Bambridge

I found my teacher, mentor and support Aileen Whiteford and through her I found out more about vision education and the Bates Method.

After several work experiences, I returned to study the method, but this time in a practical way, at the Bates College of Vision Education with Aileen Whiteford and Margaret Montgomery.

I went deeper into the work and learned how to teach it.

Since 2007 I have been practicing vision education with individual clients and in seminars.